Sunday 13th July 2014 Fiteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Please click here to view or download the Newsletter for the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Sundays in Ordinary Time, 13th & 20th July 2014.
Participation in the Ordination of the new Bishop of Elphin
Fr Kevin Doran
Today will see Fr Kevin Doran, a native of Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin succeed Bishop Christopher Jones, as Bishop of Elphin.
The ordination ceremony at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, in Sligo will commence at 5.30 pm. The congregation is requested to be seated by 5. 00 pm.
Such has been the desire of people from all over the diocese to attend the historic event that the main body of the cathedral has been reserved for parish representatives and guests with tickets only.
In an attempt to accommodate those who do not have tickets, access is to be had on a first come first serve basis to the cathedral galleries. Access to this seating section is by a series of steep steps. There will also be an opportunity for people to participate in the celebration by coming to the nearby College of the Immaculate Conception, Summerhill where the Ordination will be relayed on a large screen and communion will be brought from the Cathedral.
Along with Fr Doran’s family and friends over 150 priests, 30 Bishops, 25 Permanent Deacons and representatives from various Christian communities will also be present. These will be joined by over 500 hundred representatives from parishes throughout the diocese and from various diocesan organisations.
A special effort has been made to recognise the contribution of various voluntary caring organisations and so over 50 members from these organisations will be present.
The ceremony will be broadcast live on Ocean FM and Shannonside Northern Sound. The entire ceremony will also be streamed on the internet and can be viewed live or downloaded from this webiste
Please note that during the months of July and August our weekly Newsletter is issued on alternate weeks. The next issue will be published on Sunday 27th July 2014, Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time.
Please also note the deadline for all notices is Wednesday at 12:00 noon.